Blower Door Testing

Expert Blower Door Testing in Lancaster, PA

Drafty home? Need to seal up leaks? The professionals at Lantz can skyrocket your energy efficiency with our premium blower door testing in Lancaster County.

Some companies claim they can make your home more energy efficient, and some home builders might barely meet building code while trying to tell you that they’ve sealed everything up.

But the only way to know for sure is with a blower door test, and Lantz Insulation offers the best blower door testing in Lancaster, PA.

Save on Energy Costs Today

Find & Fix Air Leaks in Your Home

If you’re looking to find and fix air leaks in your home, you’re not going to find a better service to identify problem areas than Lantz Insulation’s blower door testing. It’s the best home energy audit tool on the market today and it can help you find leaks around window frames, duct leakage, and anywhere else you can think of.

Blower door testing is all about finding problems areas and measuring the energy efficiency and air quality in your home, and it’s completely objective!

We also offer blower door testing in nearby Reading, PA and York, PA. So whether you’re in Lancaster, Berks, or York, Lantz has you covered.

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Benefits of Blower Door Testing in Lancaster, PA

You might think you know how effective the energy efficiency upgrades you complete on your home are or you might think you’re home is already incredibly energy efficient. 

Blower door testing lets you complete a local energy audit of your home to put a number to those thoughts! It’s an objective way to measure the energy efficiency of your home, and to identify problem spots so you can get the most bang for your buck!

US Department of Energy highlights how blower tests how they can help you identify excess air leaks, avoid moisture condensation problems, help keep pests out of your home, and so much more. 

“Wonderful job from start to finish.”

How Does a Blower Door Test Work?

A blower door testing works by installing a large fan on a window or door with everything else in the home closed up. The fan pulls air from the home and pushes it outside. It creates negative pressure throughout the entire home and it causes air rush inside through all the cracks and openings.

Since you closed everything up in the home the only way more air can get in is through the gaps and openings. The fan comes with calibration equipment that lets us measure just how much air can work its way into your home and that gives us an indoor air quality score (AQI).

At Lantz Insulation we pair this with thermal imaging technologies to determine exactly where the air is entering home. After determining the air leakage rate and where it’s coming in from we can come up with a plan of action to improve it and then measure the effectiveness of the upgrades!

Blower Door Test

Lancaster, PA’s Best Blower Door Testing

If you’re serious about improving the energy efficiency of your home and want accurate and actionable results, you want Lantz Insulation’s blower door test. We take the time to do the job right, determining the overall air loss and where it’s coming from.

This way you know exactly where the problem spots are and our team can go in and fix them, sealing up your home and lowering your heating and cooling bills!

For your home in Lancaster, trust the blower door testing experts. We also provide blower door services for nearby Reading, York, and Harrisburg!


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